Video: Wally Wurgle spits some rap rhymes!
It’s not easy having Micro-Penis Just ask Wally Wurgle
Video: CCC invites you to get some CiMple Advice? 347-471-0307
Chad the Caucasian Cataclysm Needs You to Call
Richard Pryor Joke from 1979 still rings bells
Richard Joke from 1979 still rings bells
Explosion In Face
This is what happens when you get out of jail, or when you’re married and your wife doesn’t give you sex for a long time ! We must get the poison out !
Kermit Discusses Genders
I can’t tell if Kermit and Cookie Monster are helping or hurting the 94 genders !
Interpretive Dance at the institute of the Obesity Arts
This angelic dance was meant to show the positive vibrations of large fupas, and encourage a positive body image for all large and in charge women.
"Fat Women Are Beautiful" courtesy of CDS entertainment
Antifa Soldier “Charlotte “
Transgender Antifa Soldier “Charlotte “ wants peace, but believes in peaceful violence especially if the victim is man.