Spoke His Mind: Man Explains Why He & His Family Are Not Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine! "Stop With The Guilt & Fear Tactics"

#getvaccinated This is not the black plague , much information has been hidden or censored, let people make up their own mind! Stop guilt tripping and attacking people!

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Starts with racism ends with 77 year old dead.

Pujols, 27, told the cops that the man was being “extremely rude” and called him the N word. When asked to repeat what he said, the elderly man repeated the slur and Pujols punched him once in the face.

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#VHFpod​ Ep 3 Police Shooting of 13 year old Adam Toledo, Police Cam Vid Ruben Roman and Eric Stillman

#VHFpod​ Ep 3 Police Shooting of 13 year old Adam Toledo, Police Cam Vid. Ruben Roman, Eric Stillman…

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Best Footage to Convict All Cops Involved in the Murder of George Floyd

Cliff Focus Breaks down what he thinks is the best footage available that proves there should be a conviction for all 4 cops... And a higher murder charge For Derek Chauvin.

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