Conor Mcgregor leg was the target of a hitman
Dustin Poirier destroyed McGregor in the second round of a lightweight match on Saturday. The beating was so severe, McGregor hobbled to a post-event conference Insider attended on crutches.
Snoop Dogg and Wendy's team up for "The Cripy"
The New Cripy Chiken Sandwich Will be available starting January 1st 2021 for a limited time.
"Candace Owens" Refuses to stop wearing black face
"Candace Owens" Refuses to stop wearing black face
Wally tells part of a heartwarming story about his black friend Stuart
It’s Me Wally ! My Fingers Morph Into A Pair Of Tweezers, Essentially. The Medical Term Is Microclamps.
Chad The Caucasian Cataclysm Got Dose Amazon Gift Cards on Deck
Chad The Caucasian Cataclysm Got Dose Amazon Gift Cards on Deck
Kayleigh McEnany ready for a new career, well her old career
Kayleigh McEnany ready for a new career, well her old career, Will be back At Vitos Vag Castle Soon !
KRN- Dad surprised Cheerleader Buried baby in backyard
KRN- Dad surprised Cheerleader Buried baby in backyard
Disturbing photo of tiger woods being sexually assaulted surfaces
Disturbing photo of tiger woods being sexually assaulted surfaces
Reports say that Tigers Nipple was bruised for up to 4 weeks. Not quite the bruising of a white guy, it is said to be comparable to the bruising a middle eastern man would suffer around the nipple area.