Snoop Dogg and Wendy's team up for "The Cripy"
The New Cripy Chiken Sandwich Will be available starting January 1st 2021 for a limited time.
"Candace Owens" Refuses to stop wearing black face
"Candace Owens" Refuses to stop wearing black face
Wally tells part of a heartwarming story about his black friend Stuart
It’s Me Wally ! My Fingers Morph Into A Pair Of Tweezers, Essentially. The Medical Term Is Microclamps.
Chad The Caucasian Cataclysm Got Dose Amazon Gift Cards on Deck
Chad The Caucasian Cataclysm Got Dose Amazon Gift Cards on Deck
Kayleigh McEnany ready for a new career, well her old career
Kayleigh McEnany ready for a new career, well her old career, Will be back At Vitos Vag Castle Soon !
Interpretive Dance at the institute of the Obesity Arts
This angelic dance was meant to show the positive vibrations of large fupas, and encourage a positive body image for all large and in charge women.
"Fat Women Are Beautiful" courtesy of CDS entertainment
Antifa Soldier “Charlotte “
Transgender Antifa Soldier “Charlotte “ wants peace, but believes in peaceful violence especially if the victim is man.
Trump is Deploying Border eagles to help with illegal immigrants!!
My president Donald J Trump, is now utilizing Eagles and other birds of prey, to take back our country from illegal immigrants, is it wrong to start with their children? Of course not… Merica!!!