Method Mans Response to Wendy Williams will shock you

Wendy Williams Stated that her and Method Man Had an affair years back, “during the coke days”.

Method Man has responded stating

“Man listen, I just got done smoking some fire I got from from Snoop in the V.I.P , I fell asleep for 2 minutes God. I woke up to this Extra Terrestrial Long Neck with an Adams Apple trying to blaze John, John Blaze aint having that, I was like yooo hold up dude, then Bushwick Bill Came in and Grabbed his weave, he screamed and ran out, If that’s an affair , I guess I’m guilty, Tical Ha, Ha, yall got any serious questions?”

What if the Roles were reversed ?

She is lucky he didn’t press charges

The hypocrisy is unreal, Method man is a victim in this situation. Wendy Williams should be canceled !

Comedy Is Medcine iG


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