Starts with racism ends with 77 year old dead.
Dunkin’ Donuts manager charged after fatally punching man who called him slur #VeryHighFrequency
Starts with racism ends with 77 year old dead.
Comedy Is Medicine
Exposing and Roasting Mike D. From Redbar Radio #Scarsclub
cliff focus, Very High Frequency, #VHF, #VHFpodVery High Frequencynews, VHF, Politics, Conservative, Liberal, Social Commentary, joe biden, anti mask, worldstar, vhf pod, adam toledo, chicago, police shooting, Ruben Roman, Adam, Toledo, protests, police brutality, BLM, cops, gun gontrol, george floyd, police cam footage, police cam, mayor lighfoot, vhfpod, #VHFPOD, very high frequency podcast, podcast, city dont sleep, CityDontSleep, Cliff Focus, race in america, racism in america, commentary, live footage, protest, riots, Minnesota, Lori Lightfoot, kamala harris, derek chauvin, Eric Stillman, gun violence, joe rogan, conservative, liberal, riot, racims, corey pujols, dunkin donutsComment