cliff focus, Very High Frequency, #VHF, #VHFpod Very High Frequency 7/8/21 cliff focus, Very High Frequency, #VHF, #VHFpod Very High Frequency 7/8/21 Spoke His Mind: Man Explains Why He & His Family Are Not Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine! "Stop With The Guilt & Fear Tactics" #getvaccinated This is not the black plague , much information has been hidden or censored, let people make up their own mind! Stop guilt tripping and attacking people! Read More
cliff focus, Very High Frequency, #VHF, #VHFpod Very High Frequency 7/8/21 cliff focus, Very High Frequency, #VHF, #VHFpod Very High Frequency 7/8/21 Spoke His Mind: Man Explains Why He & His Family Are Not Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine! "Stop With The Guilt & Fear Tactics" #getvaccinated This is not the black plague , much information has been hidden or censored, let people make up their own mind! Stop guilt tripping and attacking people! Read More