Video: Wally Wurgle spits some rap rhymes!
It’s not easy having Micro-Penis Just ask Wally Wurgle
Video: CCC invites you to get some CiMple Advice? 347-471-0307
Chad the Caucasian Cataclysm Needs You to Call
Man who Identified as a shark, raped and eaten by sharks
#KRN-Man who Identifies as a shark, raped and eaten by sharks
Uncle Dust Comedy - UDvE podcast
UDvE Podcast is uncensored adult humour at its finest . Audio downloads available everywhere now. Enjoy...
2 Bears 1 Cave w/ Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer
Twice a month, comedian best friends Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer get together in the bear cave at YMH Studios to do what bears do: make each other laugh.
Greatest Madre
We need more mothers like this !! If you could find a better mother, please let us know
Women Saves Family With BJ
Women Saves Family With BJ ! Meredith Cobblestone Saves family with a gummy!
Pissing on Comedy Critics
Meme- Pissing On Comedy Critics Feel free to Download and share our memes! Follow us on iG @whitestguy