Conservatives Support Gays Rights to Have Guns, and that's it

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Biden and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) raised more than $60 million in April, the former vice president announced in an email to supporters on Monday.

Conservatives Support Gays Rights to Have Guns, but that’s about it!

I have been seeing a lot of posts on social media and stories about members of the LGBTQ community and Gun Rights.

Which I am all for, there is No doubt everyone should be fighting for their right to bare arms if that’s what they believe in. But often you will see the same conservatives that defend gays rights to guns, also go against gay marriage or other issues that affect the community.

We should always be fighting for the equal treatment of any group who has dealt with prejudice.

We can’t only support , women, gays, blacks or any other group, when they agree with something you agree with.

The fact of the matter is many are guilty of this.

How can we take any party serious when this is the norm?


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Biden Raises $60.5 million in April After Railroading all Candidates